Sunday, June 2, 2013


Love is a cruel thing.
It is both simple and intricate.
Big and small
Given back or unrequited.

But the thing is,
No one can stop love.
No one can "fix it".
No one can  destroy love.

It lives inside you,
In the pit of your stomach,
And unleashes its power when you see someone,
Talk to someone,
Hear someone.

Love comes in all sizes.
Big and small.
It destroys you,
And either makes you better,
Or makes you fall.

It makes you stupid.
You can't TALK to the person you like.
You can't LOOK them in the eye.
You can't be NEAR them without having the symptoms.

Blood rushing to your head,
Loss of breath,
And severe brain damage can be symptoms.

No doctor can help.
Nor any medicine or therapist.
There is only one cure.

When you love someone,
Your heart is literally in their hands.
And it depends on them
If they want to rip it into shreds,
Or protect it with their own.

-Endora of Mind

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