Thursday, May 30, 2013

Nature's Call

The earth is calling me.
I run with the wind,
Race with the bees,
Call with the wolves.

The trees are calling me.
I sit on the branches
Eating their fruit
Hidden forever in their leaves

The sky is calling me.
I lay on the grass
Night and day
Watching the clouds float on lazily by

The moon is calling me.
I walk outside,
Lay upon the moon soaked grass,
And gaze for hours

The stars are calling me,
They shine through the ones I love
As much as they do in the sky

The birds are calling me.
Luring me out with their sweet songs
I sit upon the dew soaked grass
Gazing about in wonder

The winds are calling me.
Pushing me along with his cool feathers of wind

The sun is calling me,
 Waking me up on the mornings brow

Embracing me in its tight, warm, rays of light.
-Endora of Mind

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