Thursday, April 10, 2014

If I Showed You My Teardrops.

If I showed you my teardrops,
Would you collect them like rain,
Store them in jars,
That are labelled with "Pain",
Would you follow their tracks,
From my eyes down my cheeks,
As they write all the stories,
I'm too scared to speak,
Would you stop them with kisses,
Bring their flow to a halt,
As you teach me that pain,
Isn't always my fault,
Would you hold my face gently,
As you dry both my eyes,
And whisper the words,
"You're too precious to cry",
If I showed you my teardrops,
Would you show me your own,
And learn though we're lonely,
We're never alone.

I Love To Sit in Silence

I Love To Sit in Silence

I love to sit in silence
Beneath the shady trees
And listen to the song of birds
And to the buzz of bees.

I love to sit in silence
And watch the Clouds roll by
Then read a book or sing a song
And hear the wild bird cry.

I love to sit in silence
When the day is almost done
And see behind the distant hill
The paint glow of the sun.      

I love to sit in silence
In the evening twilight
And listen to the whippor-will
Singing with all its might

I love to sit in silence
Beneath the Starry sky
And pray to all in earnest
To live in silence all the while


Monday, April 7, 2014

Mirror by Sylvia Plath


I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.
What ever you see I swallow immediately
Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike.
I am not cruel, only truthful---
The eye of a little god, four-cornered.
Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall.
It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long
I think it is a part of my heart. But it flickers.
Faces and darkness separate us over and over.
Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me,
Searching my reaches for what she really is.
Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon.
I see her back, and reflect it faithfully.
She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands.
I am important to her. She comes and goes.
Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness.
In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman
Rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish.

The Fear of Being Loved By Marissa Whitecloud

I'm afraid, ok?
I admit it,
I'm afraid,
Afraid of what you may ask?
I don't know,
Afraid of knowing,
Afraid of having the chance to get hurt,
That's why I never let people come close to me,
Let alone, make physical contact,
I end up hurting them just to keep them away,
I don't want to,
It just happens,
I'm afraid I'll get too close,
Afraid I'll loose something I loved,
Like all the others I lost before,
I'm afraid of asking,
Afraid of the answer being no,
I already know that's what they'll say,
I don't THINK they'll say no,
I KNOW they'll say no,
I'm afraid,
Afraid of what it feels like to be loved,
Afraid to hold someones hand for the first time,
Afraid of what a first kiss is,
Afraid of being close,
Then it all comes back,
The fear of being hurt,
The fear of giving a chance,
The fear of loving,
The fear of touch,
I always try to stay away even though I want to see,
See what a hug is,
See what a hand to hold is,
See what it feels like to be kissed for the first time,
But the fear is always there,
Blocking my way,
The fear of being Loved.

Marissa Whitecloud

Frozen Memories by Anastasia Schofield

Frozen Memories

© Anastasia Schofield
There is snow in the air
The coldness reaches my heart
There is death everywhere
My stone heart is tearing apart
Our emotions are hidden in the cold
The only person I have left is you
The world covers you in a snow fold
I have to run before they take you too
I know the winter has pulled you weak
As you lay frozen to the ground
Don’t ask me to leave you, just don’t try to speak
Even your hunger is silenced; you don’t even make a sound
Frozen flakes fall like tears
You put up a fight
But you got weaker and weaker as the days come near
Your last breath was frozen into the night
You could still live if you just held on a little more
I hear them coming but I don’t try to hide
In the sky your spirit soars
I will fight for you and I will miss you because you died
Last night it was so cold
But I don’t mind it now, I don't even feel it 
All our things were sold
Just to accept the fact that you're gone, I can't handle the feeling
As the degrees dropped
Your heart rate started to slow
After a while your shaking stopped
And your blood wouldn't flow
As I held you in my arms
The light of dawn began to shine
Their coming by the sounds of alarms
But they can't take you away, no, your mine
Asleep on my lap
I can hear them coming down the road
You look so peaceful like your taking a nap
I think as my tears explode
Snow is crunching underneath their boots 
Here they come all dressed and fine
I have to run before they shoot
A tear runs down my face when I look at you one last time…

Family Friend Poems 

Fear of Love by Misty Iacobucci

Fear of Love

Fear of Love

Have you ever loved someone so much that fear takes control of every emotions.
Fear of loving.
Fear of losing that feeling of floating on air.
Fear of one day hearing the words…goodbye…
How can love & fear be twisted in one so that you can't even tell them apart.
Maybe, loving means risking everything for that one person who makes you feel larger then life.

I feel that with you, fear.
Fear of feelings I promised myself I would not feel again.
Fear of giving myself to be hurt again.
Fear of saying goodbye and never loving again.

Where do I go from here?
Do I let my fear of not being enough drive me away?
Do I let go now and let fear win?
Do I hold on and allow fear to drive you away?
Or do I hold on and shut fear out and know that real love will win?

Whatever path our love leads us down one thing I know is true.
Your love had made me realize what it is to love so much that fear takes control.
Whether that is good or bad remains to be seen.

Love knows no time, no place, and no fear.
We do that on our own.
We try to reason something, love, that had no reasoning about it.

Always from a far I saw you.
Until one day you were there with warmth in you face I could not refuse.
Now you are the man I dream of.
A fear I never expected when I looked at you.
A love that lit like a candle in a dark still room.
In one flash you lighted my heart with warmth and fear.

I do not know if fear of losing you will win.
Or if I have the strength to hold on and wait for our love to flourish into a lifetime of security and happiness.
The one thing I do know is that my fear of losing you is my heart admitting that there is a part of you I hold dear.
And that is the love I feel for you growing each day.

-Fear of Love- 

I Was A Dark Angel by Luke Slade

i was a dark angel

I was a dark angel sent from bellow,
I was the dark angel waiting to grow,
I was a dark angel pondering were to go,
I was a dark angel looking for a pathway to follow,
I was a dark angel looking for truth,
A reason for living,
Searching for who,

I am an angel following my pathway,
I am an angel searching everyday,
I am an angel with a reason to live,
I am an angel with a gift to for fill,
I am an angel with meaning,
An angel with a passion,
A passion to thrill. 

I’m His Angel by Katie Bunge

I'm His Angel

I’m His Angel

I’m his angel the one who looks over him
I’m his angel the one who cares for him
I’m his angel the one who loves him
I’m his angel the one who has beautiful brown eyes
I’m his angel the one who has beautiful dark brown hair
I’m his angel I will be there when he gets hurt
I’m his angel I will be the one that is always on his mind
I am the angel that keeps him breathing
I am the angel of his dreams
I am the angel that keeps him alive
I am his angel that will cheer him up when he is sad

~Katie Bunge 



© 'abstruse PSYCHE
you are trapped in a cage.. 
no one sees it.. not even you..
you don't know what it's made of.. 
you don't even know where it came from.. 
but you feel it.. it's all around you.. 
it is full of strength 
that it forbids you to move freely.. 
it separates you from your wisdom 
and it strangles your thoughts.. 
you are robbed 
but you don't know what was taken.. 
you're in a place 
but you don't know where you're heading.. 
you don't even know how you got there.. 
or who has brought you there.. 
you know you've been through a lot 
but your memories are distorted.. 
it is seizing you little by little.. 
you can't stay but you can't go.. 
you are trapped but no one sees it.. 

Family Friend Poems